Tag Archives: Sex Slavery

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) what and how?

SEO Search engine optimization concept.



Hi my name is Wade Bailey. For regular readers of my Blogs, my name is pretty familiar by now. However for first time visitors, this is sort of my own little introduction to you. I’am not a SEO expert, nor am I trying to sell anything to you in this post, so just relax and benefit from what Iam about to share with everyone. After having read this post, several things are guaranteed to have occurred with your knowledge base and “online skill-sets”.  I can unequivocally guarantee 100% without a shadow of a doubt, that, you will be better equipped to navigate the internet, you will be able to better understand the how and why of “key words” and you will gain insight into using certain platforms, like Canva and Bitly.


Every piece of information here is 100% free, yes absolutely no cost and I’m not even giving away a PDF file (yet) . Those of you who are thinking where’s the catch? There is none. This is a service to my many readers who continue to like and share my content.


This content has value whether you’re a reader of this blog, or whether you are a first time visitor. All of us, who use the internet, want to grow our following or at least get more views and likes. This information will help you do just that.

The internet Holy Grail at this point in its evolution is link-building, in order to build and gain links, SEO will at some point have to enter your equation if you run a Blog or if you have a website, links from credible sites send your Google ranking way up. Even those of you who just like to post stuff on Face Book will find this information useful Twitterers too. Like a said I’m not an SEO professional am simply giving my readers value for their time and I’m thanking you, not, by posting “thanks for liking and sharing”, but Iam expressing gratitude by actually giving the readers something that they can tangibly apply, across their social media platforms that works, has value and improves their internet experience as a whole.


Here goes:

1: Key Words. Key words are how people find you, or your product when they type in search words in their search engines. Use them always, some Bloggers use irrelevant key words that don’t jibe with their content. You want to use key words that actually relate to your post.

2: #Hashtags. Hash tags are the keys to appearing at many different locations all across, the internet at once. For instance if I tweet Shamanism https://soualigayouth.wordpress.com/2016/04/12/thug-culture-and-its-hindu-linkages/. That post will only be seen by my Twitter followers online at that specific time. Who may or may not, like or retweet that tweet. If I did this #Shamanism #Hindu # Culture https://soualigayouth.wordpress.com/2016/04/12/thug-culture-and-its-hindu-linkages/the tweet gets seen by way more people and twitterers can use my hashtags to search twitter .  The exact same principle applys for FB. Those of you are multi-lingual like myself hashtags in those languages work too.


3: Long URL’s made shorter. Long URL’s in Twitter and now even on FB is like a curseword . Shortened URL’s get more click through rates than long URL’s and more engagement. People view you as outdated and or unsophisticated if you use URL’s that are considered “too long”.  Create shortened custom URL’s using Bitly.com. Of course there is the FREE service and the UPGRADE. Here is what a bitly link looks http://bit.ly/1SUAliga, it is from my Soualiga Youth About page on Word Press.


4: You FB’ers who want more “friends” or page likes and followers. The #hashtag principle coupled with shortened URL’s and posting original content applies. Canva.com and PicMonkey.com  two great content creators, that are extremely budget friendly.


That’s it for now. Many of you may have noticed I don’t have an optin page and I’ve never attempted to sell you anything here. I deliberately did that, in order to build trust and “relationship”. Most or all websites immediately offer you something, or you landed on their optin page from some link on the internet. My approach is the exact opposite. I have given you literally years of FREE, high-quality fact based information. I did that as I said to build trust. You know that Iam not eating off of this, nor am I making money from you. My main aim is to be of service to humanity, specifically young people, hence my articles and essays on gang-culture, government corruption and prostitution, human trafficking, modern slavery and human rights violations. My aim here is humanitarian; this site is a democratizational tool in the Caribbean context. Since I posted on “Prostitution on Sint Maarten Supported by Government” that article first was written and posted on CNN, via their i-reporter app. The article was taken up by the Kentucky Journal.com and several other online portals. Today the government here was forced to apply the law since the government of Sint Maarten was condemned in international circles as an abettor  and facilitator of, sex slavery and human trafficking, my articles were a key factor in that development. Hence this sites use as an aid in creating a more open and democratic society here on Sint Mararten.

In closing: If you found this article helpful which I know you will if you were not already familiar with these methods. There is a possibility of showing your appreciation by of course liking and sharing. Today I will ask readers of this Blog for the first time and I’ve been posting since 2012 till the present here, so that’s four years. I want to let you know that you can now follow this Blog by email. Simply click on this link https://soualigayouth.wordpress.com/2016/04/12/thug-culture-and-its-hindu-linkages/, which takes you to my Soualiga Youth foundation site where you can, “follow” by email to reserve updates and links of free downloads and eventually book offers and other products that I will have for sale. I reiterate I have given value for four straight years to show that Iam not dependent on this blog for my livelihood, so there are no strings attached in anything that I do here. I guarantee my products one hundred percent, and you can always get back your money no questions asked if your not totally satisfied. The link to click on is called PARTNER WITH SOUALIGA YOUTH I use the word partner because that’s what it is not a “follower” Iam looking for partners not followers, the link allows you to receive updates in your inbox and as I stated before relevant product offers et al , as well as free downloads.

Those of you who have an Amazon account with a verified purchase, I respectfully ask if you can give my book Rastafari and its Shamanist Origins an honest review, negative or positive doesn’t matter the feedback is what count’s. You can read the book Rastafari and its Shamanist Origins free on this site. Or on Google Reads you can leave a review on Reads also.


With kind regards Wade Bailey.

This post was cross posted from:  my Nazaritze website http://bit.ly/1SEO5tacts